
Here are 3 Signs of a Good Daycare Centre

by superadmin on December 11, 2017 in Blog

What to look for in a daycare? Experienced educators, strong curriculum and emphasis on nutrition are signs of a good daycare centre. When these are present, there’s optimal chance for kids to realise their potential and prepare for formal schooling.

1. Experienced educators

It all starts with having the right people. After all, educators will be interacting with children. Remember that the people surrounding your child will have a huge impact on him/her. It’s especially crucial during the kids’ early years because they’re trying to make sense of the world and learn from examples.

That’s why a good daycare centre has experienced educators to positively guide the kids. These educators should also be knowledgeable about the highest standards in education. They’re likely to be regularly trained so they can learn the best science-based approaches.

2. Strong curriculum

Aside from surrounding your child with the right people, a strong curriculum is also important. The goal is to help your child form a strong foundation in academics and social skills. This way, kids will be better equipped for formal schooling and later years.

A strong curriculum will also give kids a jumpstart among their peers. They’re more likely to get ahead because of an amazing start. The momentum builds up and the benefits accumulate through the years.

What does a strong curriculum look like? It should have strong emphasis both on academics and social skills. In addition, play-based approaches are also important. After all, it’s playtime where kids interact with fellow children and interact with the environment.

3. Emphasis on nutrition

A healthy mind goes with a healthy body. That’s why good daycare centres also place equal importance to nutrition. After all, great mental performance is strongly related to great physical health. This also allows kids to have more fun during learning and playtime.

For instance, here at Surry Hills Early Learning Centre we work with a professional nutritionist to develop our seasonal menus. We prepare nutrient-dense foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fish and meat. This is to aid kids in their optimal physical and brain development.

Signs of a good daycare centre Sydney

Surry Hills Early Learning Centre place special emphasis on nutrition, play and social skills development. In addition, our experienced educators are committed to caring for children (and helping them prepare for the real world).

Contact us today if you want to learn more about our approach.